EWCs Stories

Cristina Farran Huguet, EWC Delegate Eurest / Compass Group, CCOO Catalunya


After several years in the Works Council, I found out about the new directive during a course held at my organization. It was clear to all us delegates that it implied benefits in terms of information and consultation and we therefore got to work. After a while and many discussions, we were able to form a special group for negotiation that geographically represented all the member countries. One of the novelties was the participation of Eastern European countries. Suddenly, I had a meeting scheduled in my agenda where all of them would be represented. The doubts started to come to my mind: what did I know about Poland and Hungary? What differences were there between Romania and Bulgaria? Between the Czech Republic and Slovakia? So, I picked up the map of Europe and revised my notes from the EWC courses I had attended. On the day of the meeting, everything was much easier than I had imagined. Those of us who were not newcomers each sat next to a new member and explained what the process meant. The opportunity we had to improve information and consultation in our countries, to be informed about the problems of our company and to work together by setting common goals. In the end, the comrade from Romania got most votes and together with her and everyone else we are all about to conclude the negotiation and sign a new agreement.

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