
In this section, you can find a selection of texts and in-depth studies about European Works Councils and trade union action in multinational companies. The documentation is the fruit of the analyses carried out by the partners in the project or, alternatively, of research in the vast world of the internet. By means of these texts, we wish to outline a wider analytical picture to better understand the meaning and importance of industrial relations on a transnational scale and to help workers’ representatives find new inspiration for their action. All documents can be read online or downloaded for free.

Schede di relazioni
nei paesi europei.

Panoramica nelle
relazioni industriali
europee a cura di
Umberto Bettarini e
Fabio Ghelfi (2013-2014)





Manual sobre los comitès d’empresa europeus (I-II).

Manuale sui
Aziendali Europei,
a cura della
Confederaciòn Sindacal
de Comisione
Obreras (2012)

La formación sindacal
en los Comités

Strategie di formazione
nei CAE a cura di
Adela Carrió Ibáñez;
Daniel Garcia Tenorio;
Camil Ros i Duran.





La estrategia de la
formaciò dels Comitès
d’empresa europeus.

La formazione
all’interno dei CAE, a cura
della Confederaciòn
Sindacal de
Obreras (2015-2016)


Downloads Dedalus e Arianna



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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Effective communication


About EWC

Sito web a cura del Dipartimento Internazionale di CGIL Lombardia: (Responsabile Fabio Ghelfi).