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EWCs Stories

José Manuel López Viñolo, EWC Saica Pack, CCOO de Catalunya


My favorite moment in the Works Councils is when a colleague presents a question and the management answers in a vague way.

Name: José Manuel López Viñolo
Company: Saica Pack
EWC Experience: 2008
Country: Catalonia / Spain
Role: EWC Delegate
Confederation: CCOO

When I started in the European Works Council two things were very useful to me. Knowing the legislation and carefully listening to the people who had been in these kinds of councils for many years. This was how I came to understand my role and the tasks I had to carry out. One of the big difficulties in my opinion is that trying to make so many different countries agree on one single strategy is incompatible with the fact that each country tends to look only at its own navel. Despite this, in the council we have succeeded in launching initiatives for the group in the field of equality, health on the workplace, etc. My favorite moment in the Works Councils is when a colleague presents a question and the management answers in a vague way. That is a perfect moment to insist on the same question from another country and to see how the answer changes. My biggest success was renewing the second agreement of the European council after a negotiation that required a lot of skill and delicacy in dealing with so many different countries. That is precisely why maybe the result was even more gratifying.

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