EWCs Stories

Julián Santos, Magna Internacional, UGT Catalunya


This is company that produces rearview mirrors. It was founded in Austria, but it already has 3 companies there and about 50 in Germany. In Spain it has 3 companies in two different groups. It is a company with a very developed code of conduct, they do not save any expenses on issues concerning the wellbeing of their workers.

On the week of January 20th, there is a meeting of the potential members who will be part of the constitution of the European Works Council. On January 21st we will write the regulations and on the 22nd there will be a meeting with the management.

Magna Internacional is located in 15 countries and will have 13 members in the European Works Council. And from there they will constitute the select committee. The process was initiated by the Germans and Austrians 14 months ago.

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